Pearl Acupuncture & Healing Center Acupuncture & Nutritional Applied Kinesiology
Renee Rodden LMT #6358
Massage Services 503-810-6517
Renee Rodden has been an LMT since 1997. She specializes in massage for injury healing support and pain management; which may include myofascial, deep tissue, stretching, structural assessment, and sports therapy techniques. In addition, she offers TMD massage, pregnancy massage and relaxation massage for overall physical and mental well-being.
Pearl Acupuncture & Healing Center
38530 Pleasant St, Sandy, OR 97055
Acupuncture 503-668-7631
Florentino Robles 971-266-0916
Renee Rodden 503-810-6517 Jena Herrle 503-863-8060
Acupuncture Hours: Tuesday 9-6 Thursday 9-6