Pearl Acupuncture & Healing Center Acupuncture & Nutritional Applied Kinesiology
Acupuncture Treatment
Acupuncture uses hair-thin, flexible needles, inserted into specific points on the body to activate the body's own healing powers. Other Oriental medical modalities that I use include, shiatsu bodywork, Reiki energy work and cupping. Learn More >
Chinese Herbal Formulas
Chinese herbology is a powerful system that uses natural medicinals to treat numerous common complaints. Learn More >
Nutritional Applied Kinesiology
Muscle Testing and AK when done by a trained professional is a scientific protocol that evaluates ones nervous system and how it responds to external stimuli on the body. We evaluate for the influence of various bacteria, viruses, fungus, foods & food toxins, heavy metals, and environmental/industrial chemicals. It's comprehensive and effective. Learn More>
Pearl Acupuncture & Healing Center
38530 Pleasant St, Sandy, OR 97055
Acupuncture 503-668-7631
Florentino Robles 971-266-0916
Renee Rodden 503-810-6517 Jena Herrle 503-863-8060
Acupuncture Hours: Tuesday 9-6 Thursday 9-6